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Articolo: I migliori Thai Tea Restaurant texani

Best Thai Tea Restaurants in Dallas, Texas - Pakpao Thai Food Interior Ambience | BuDhaGirl

I migliori Thai Tea Restaurant texani

Mentre realizziamo prodotti squisiti e video avvincenti come quello qui sotto, di certo non siamo esperti nell'arte di preparare il tè freddo tailandese.

BuDhaGirl ha visitato le nostre cucine tailandesi preferite a Dallas e dintorni che offrono tè freddo tailandese che ricorda le nostre visite a Bangkok. Auguri a tutti!

Tè freddo tailandese su Oak Lawn Ave., - "menta asiatica"

A proposito di menta asiatica

"Siamo il gusto che Dallas stava cercando, servendo la cucina in stile New Bangkok combinata con un menu fuso asiatico dal 2005, ricevendo numerosi premi nazionali e locali per l'eccellenza della qualità del cibo".

Asian Mint Sign Board in Shops of Highland Park - Dallas | BuDhaGirl
Asian Mint è proprio di fronte al nostro ufficio BuDhaGirl a Oak Lawn e dovevamo solo provare il Thai Tea di Asian Mint. Voglio dire, perché no?
Interior ambience of Asian Mint located in Shops of Highland Park - Dallas | BuDhaGirl

Placa la tua sete

Sito web:
Indirizzo: 4246 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75219
Instagram: @asiamint
Facebook: Menta asiatica Dallas

Thai Iced Tea by Asian Mint located in Shops of Highland Park - Dallas | BuDhaGirl


Tè freddo tailandese su Lemmon Ave., - "Sabaide"

A proposito di Sabaidee

Sabaidee è un po' più in basso Oak Lawn su Lemmon Avenue. Sabaidee offre un'esperienza di cucina laotiana e tailandese autentica ed elegante.

Sabaidee Sign on Lemmon Avenue - Dallas | BuDhaGirl

Placa la tua sete

Sito web:
Indirizzo: 5200 Lemmon Ave, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75209
Instagram: @sabaideefood
Facebook: Sabaidee Dallas

Thai Iced Tea by Sabaidee located in Lemmon Avenue - Dallas | BuDhaGirl

Tè freddo tailandese su Routhe Street - "Crushcraft Thai Eats"

A proposito di Crushcraft

CrushCraft: "In CrushCraft, prendiamo sul serio l'integrità in ogni fase del processo, dalla coltivazione o dall'approvvigionamento locale delle nostre foglie di basilico alla frantumazione a mano dei nostri peperoncini. Siamo orgogliosi che il nostro cibo sia un vero affare”.

Sign board of Crushedcraft Thai Street Eats on Routhe Street - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl

Scopri l'ambiente audace ma accessibile, colorato e coerente di CrushCraft.

Interior Ambience of Crushedcraft Thai Street Eats on Routhe Street - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl

Ma eravamo lì per prendere del tè tailandese...

Sito web:
Indirizzo: 2800 Routh Street, Suite 150, Dallas, TX 75201
Instagram: @crushcraft
Facebook: Crush Craft Thai

Iced Thai Tea Prepared by Crushedcraft Thai Street Eats on Routhe Street - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl

Tè freddo tailandese nel Design District - “Cibo tailandese pakpao"

A proposito di Pakpao Thai Food

Pakpao si trova vicino al nostro nuovo ufficio BuDhaGirl e da qui ordiniamo sicuramente del cibo (cibo appetitoso).

Pakpao Thai Food Sign Board in Design District - Dallas, Texas | BuDhaGirl

“Invita i tuoi sensi a un viaggio irresistibile attraverso i sapori autentici e robusti dell'Asia. L'esperienza Pakpao combina piatti distintivi, stimolanti e unici con i classici preferiti".

Interior ambience of Pakpao Thai Food in Design District - Dallas, Texas | BuDhaGirl

Che dire, i nostri sensi erano davvero in un viaggio irresistibile...

Sito web:
Indirizzo: 1628 Oak Lawn Ave, n. 120, Dallas, TX 75207
Instagram: @pakpaohai
Facebook: Cibo tailandese pakpao

Thai Iced Tea prepared by Pakpao Thai Food in Design District - Dallas, Texas | BuDhaGirl

Tè freddo tailandese a Uptown/West Village - “Cucina Malai

A proposito di cucina Malai

"Con sedi a Uptown Dallas, Southlake e Fort Worth, Malai Kitchen mostra un lato diverso della cucina del sud-est asiatico."

Sign board of Malai Kitchen in Uptown/West Village - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl

Se sei un fan delle birre artigianali, assicurati di provare una delle sei birre alla spina di Malai Kitchen.

Interior Ambience of Malai Kitchen in Uptown/West Village - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl

Ma aspetta, eravamo lì per provare del tè tailandese...

Sito web:
Indirizzo: 3699 McKinney Ave, Dallas TX 75204
Instagram: @malicucina
Facebook: Cucina Malai

Iced Thai Tea Prepared by Malai Kitchen in Uptown/West Village - Dallas, TX | BuDhaGirl


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I migliori Thai Tea Restaurant texani

by Jessica Jesse

While we make exquisite products and enthralling videos like the one below, we sure are not experts in the art of making Thai Iced Tea.

BuDhaGirl visited our favorite Thai Kitchens in and around Dallas that offer Thai Iced Tea reminiscent of our visits to Bangkok. Cheers everybody!

Thai Iced Tea on Oak Lawn Ave., -
"Asian Mint"

About Asian Mint

“We are the taste that Dallas has been looking for, serving New Bangkok style cuisine combined with an Asian fused menu since 2005, receiving numerous national and local awards for food quality excellence.”

Asian Mint is right in front of our BuDhaGirl office at Oak Lawn and we just had to try the Thai Tea from Asian Mint. I mean, why not?

Quench your thirst

Address: 4246 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75219
Instagram: @asianmint
Facebook: Asian Mint Dallas

BuDhaGirl visited our favorite Thai Kitchens in and around Dallas that offer Thai Iced Tea reminiscent of our visits to Bangkok. Cheers everybody!

Thai Iced Tea on Oak Lawn Ave., - "Asian Mint"

About Asian Mint

“We are the taste that Dallas has been looking for, serving New Bangkok style cuisine combined with an Asian fused menu since 2005, receiving numerous national and local awards for food quality excellence.”

Asian Mint is right in front of our BuDhaGirl office at Oak Lawn and we just had to try the Thai Tea from Asian Mint. I mean, why not?

Quench your thirst

Address: 4246 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75219
Instagram: @asianmint
Facebook: Asian Mint Dallas

Thai Iced Tea on Lemmon Ave., -

About Sabaidee

Sabaidee is a bit further down Oak Lawn on Lemmon Avenue. Sabaidee offers an authentic and elegant Lao and Thai cuisine experience.

Quench your thirst

Address: 5200 Lemmon Ave, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75209
Instagram: @sabaideefood
Facebook: Sabaidee Dallas

Thai Iced Tea on Lemmon Ave., - "Sabaidee"

About Sabaidee

Sabaidee is a bit further down Oak Lawn on Lemmon Avenue. Sabaidee offers an authentic and elegant Lao and Thai cuisine experience.

Thai Iced Tea on Routhe Street -
"CrushCraft Thai Eats"

About CrushCraft

CrushCraft: “At CrushCraft, we take integrity seriously every step of the way - from growing or locally sourcing our own basil leaves to hand-smashing our chili peppers. We are proud our food is the real deal.”

Experience CrushCraft’s daring but approachable, colorful, and consistent ambience.

But we were there to have some Thai Tea...

Address: 2800 Routh Street, Suite 150, Dallas, TX 75201
Instagram: @crushcraft
Facebook: Crush Craft Thai

Thai Iced Tea on Routhe Street - "CrushCraft Thai Eats"

About CrushCraft

CrushCraft: “At CrushCraft, we take integrity seriously every step of the way - from growing or locally sourcing our own basil leaves to hand-smashing our chili peppers. We are proud our food is the real deal.”

Experience CrushCraft’s daring but approachable, colorful, and consistent ambience.

But we were there to have some Thai Tea...

Address: 2800 Routh Street, Suite 150, Dallas, TX 75201
Instagram: @crushcraft
Facebook: Crush Craft Thai

Thai Iced Tea in the Design District -
Pakpao Thai Food"

About Pakpao Thai Food

Pakpao is located close to our new BuDhaGirl office and we will be ordering food (mouthwatering food) from here for sure.

“Invite your senses to an irresistible journey through the authentic and robust flavors of Asia. The Pakpao experience combines distinctive, challenging, and unique dishes with classic favorites.”

What can we say, our senses were indeed on an irresistible journey…

Address: 1628 Oak Lawn Ave, #120, Dallas, TX 75207
Instagram: @pakpaothai
Facebook: Pakpao Thai Food

Thai Iced Tea in the Design District - “Pakpao Thai Food"

About Pakpao Thai Food

Pakpao is located close to our new BuDhaGirl office and we will be ordering food (mouthwatering food) from here for sure.

“Invite your senses to an irresistible journey through the authentic and robust flavors of Asia. The Pakpao experience combines distinctive, challenging, and unique dishes with classic favorites.”

What can we say, our senses were indeed on an irresistible journey…

Address: 1628 Oak Lawn Ave, #120, Dallas, TX 75207
Instagram: @pakpaothai
Facebook: Pakpao Thai Food

Thai Iced Tea in Uptown/West Village -
Malai Kitchen

About Malai Kitchen

“With locations in Uptown Dallas, Southlake, and Fort Worth, Malai Kitchen showcases a different side of Southeast Asian cuisine.”

If you are a fan of craft beers, be sure to try one of Malai Kitchen’s six house-brewed beers on tap.

But wait, we were there to try some Thai Tea...

Address: 3699 McKinney Ave, Dallas TX 75204
Instagram: @malaikitchen
Facebook: Malai Kitchen

Thai Iced Tea in Uptown/West Village - “Malai Kitchen

About Malai Kitchen

“With locations in Uptown Dallas, Southlake, and Fort Worth, Malai Kitchen showcases a different side of Southeast Asian cuisine.”

If you are a fan of craft beers, be sure to try one of Malai Kitchen’s six house-brewed beers on tap.

But wait, we were there to try some Thai Tea...

Address: 3699 McKinney Ave, Dallas TX 75204
Instagram: @malaikitchen
Facebook: Malai Kitchen

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